Welcome to CENCE

CENCE is the most high-profile event in China (China's largest and most influential event in this industry, with over 150 supporting media.)


Contact Us

Shirley Jin 13811326651
Shary Wang 15121049464
Ivy Lin 13681680814
Media or Marketing Contact:
Shary Wang 15121049464


CENCE—— China's most high-profiled and influential enterprise cloud, IT, networking & communications event. It is held once a year in Beijing, attracting thousands of professionals from all parts in China's communications food chain, including carriers, verticals, enterprises users, channels, vendors, SPs, etc.


Position:China's most high-profiled and influential enterprise cloud, IT, networking & communications event.It is held once a year in Beijing, attracting thousands of professionals from all parts in China's communications food chain, including carriers, verticals, enterprises users, channels, vendors, SPs, etc.

Environment: China's strong economy continuously creates tremendous market potential; The emerging all-IP trend further pushes the convergence of ICT, generating demands,also strengthened by new applications like cloud, IOT, mobile internet, social network, etc; The reconstructuring of carriers gradually lift the barriers toward IP communications.

Tenet: For end-users: The best platform to find suitable products & solutions.
For vendors & manufacturers: Thebest place to showcase products &solutions; to find potential clients, channels and partners; For channels: The best event to find the right products & solutions.

Scope of CENCE

UC· collaboration 、Call center、Video conference、 Video surveillance 、Datacom 、Enterprise wireless communication\Mobile working 、Enterprise value added service 、IPT 、Other relevant technology.

Audience Demographic

Business managers, IT professionals and Channel managers should all be present at the 2015 CENCE. Job titles include:

  • - CIO/CTOs/CxOs
  • - Directors
  • - Heads of Sales
  • - Product Managers
  • - Business Analysts
  • - Head of Training
  • - Head of Telecoms
  • - Heads of Business Development
  • - Telecommunication Managers
  • - Heads of Call and Contact Managers
  • - Business Development Managers
  • - Database/Data Center Manager
  • - System and Network Integrators
  • - Compliance and Policy Managers
  • - Strategy Directors
  • - Communication Directors
  • - VPs of Technology
  • - Storage Managers
  • - Hosting Managers
  • - Data Center Managers
  • - Network Administrators


  • 3G、WIFI…,too many carrier packages for enterprise users. How to select and integrate with my existing communications system?
  • Are we at the mobile OA era? What applications suits my company?
  • Our video surveillance system is outdated. How will an IP, smart surveillance system enhance performance?
  • Will security becomes an issue when it comes to IP communications? How will IP VPN assist?
  • Datacom, all set for the cloud era?
  • What ROI could UC/Collaboration bring? Is it worthwhile? How to integrate with my existing IT system? I use voice primarily, why do I still need UC? Case studies.
  • Must knows for deploying call centers. Shall I use on-premise, outsource or, hosted services? How could telemarketing make a difference?
  • Is HD a must for video conferencing now? What about software or hosted service? Does telepresence make sense? Will the cost of bandwidth be an issue?


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